MMIC 2018 Changes

October 18, 2017

1. Rate increase of 5% on all fire & wind premiums

2. Inflation factor – NO CHANGE, will remain at 2%

Blankets – minimum of 95%, encourage 100% of inventory.

Reminder, if you choose to collect late payments in your office, you are required to fax or e-mail us a copy of the payment and the signed statement of no loss, the day you receive.
Please refer to Navigator for amount due our office and due date.

Reminder, if we take a policy out of the system, and you request we rewrite the policy and we accept, you need everything new with the application, with an annual premium.

We may be requesting on farm policies, farm diagrams with distances between buildings and an estimated amount of blanket coverage in each building.  This is needed for our reinsurance company.

Home/auto discounts – Auto dec pages must be in our office minimum of 35 days prior to our renewal date.
Brianna has provided your office with your policies that have autos.  Please remember if you write a policy after October 10th , those policies will not be on your list.
If we process the renewal and remove the auto, you can send in a change request to add the discount at the next renewal, with a current auto dec page.

1-1-2018 the Submit a Change and Submit a Claim will be turned on in the Navigator.
We are going to try these two features.  Information that we currently require will be required on these two forms, even though there may not be a spot for all the information,  you need to provide all information on the forms.
If we have issues with information not being on the forms, we will discontinue the Navigator form usage for your agency.
The current request a change and property loss notice will remain on our web page if you choose to continue these forms.

The January 2018 – 3 year reviews forms will not reflect the new changes.

We will be updating the manual as soon as possible.  Thank you for your patience.

Any questions, please contact me.

Deb Geuther, PFMM
Mendota Mutual Insurance Company

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