May 8, 2013
TO: All MMIC Agents
At a recent board of directors meeting, the board has asked that I remind all agents that MMIC does not accept new business with wood burning stoves and also that the agent pay close attention to three year reviews where wood stoves may have been added by your customer.
Please be advised that effective immediately, when pictures are asked for and with all new applications, please submit photos of all sides of the dwelling and any building being insured.
Reminder if your agency chooses to accept late payments for MMIC, you are required to get a statement of no loss signed.
If you do not want to secure the statement of no loss, please refer your customer to our office for payment.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
Thank you for cooperation in these matters.
Deb Geuther, PFMM
Mendota Mutual Insurance Company